He also visited Kabul, where, he said, he met other members of Al Qaeda.
It was the highest-level Soviet delegation to visit Kabul since the invasion in December 1979.
Mr. Sevan has visited Kabul since the occupation, but appears to have found nothing to do.
A "reclusive, pious and frugal" leader, Omar visited Kabul twice between 1996 to 2001.
She visited Kabul again at Christmas 2012 as a guest of Afghan peace makers.
He was said to be the first Englishman to have visited Kabul.
During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, he was one of the first journalists from the area to personally visit Kabul and interview leaders there.
The Orwellian intellectual landscape created by these policies is sadly apparent to anyone who has visited Kabul in recent years.
He was trying to restore it by visiting Kashmir and Kabul.
In his years in power, Mullah Omar is said to have visited Kabul only twice.