She briefly visited Bahrain (15-17 March) (double check deg log) before pointing homeward.
He also visited Bahrain and Nepal.
Anyone living in or visiting Bahrain - including expats - gets automatic access to the state system.
Painter Christine Rollitt visited Bahrain in the 1970s and painted the palace in 1977.
On the advice of his attorney, he refused to discuss the episode further with committee investigators, who visited Bahrain two weeks ago.
Bit like Clinton visiting Bahrain or Israel then.
It has been estimated that thousands of Gulf nationals visit Bahrain during Ashura to participate in the religious processions.
The Americans reached Baghdad this morning after visiting Bahrain, where the damaged frigate is undergoing temporary repairs.
The first ever official Israeli delegation to visit Bahrain was in late September 1994.
In October 2001, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention visited Bahrain for the first time.