He offered to visit Amman, Damascus or Beirut for talks with regional leaders and suggested that a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation might visit Jerusalem for informal talks.
All government offices and schools were scheduled to be closed on Thursday, and Secretary General Kofi Annan of the United Nations postponed plans to visit Amman.
Aides to Mr. Christopher said he would visit Cairo, Jerusalem, Amman, Jordan and Damascus, Syria from Aug. 1 to 6, on his way home from a trip to Singapore and Australia.
To service its $8.4 billion debt, Jordan will need roughly $500 million dollars by the end of the year, said Hans Heino Kopietz, a London-based Middle East analyst who recently visited Amman.
Well iam from Jordan, so I suggest you do the following, 1 day to visit Amman down town, roman amphitheater , day two stay at the dead sea,...
He said Secretary of State James A. Baker 3d had appeared satisfied with Jordan's enforcement procedures after being briefed on the situation when he visited Amman on July 21.
Representative Stephen J. Solarz, Democrat of Brooklyn, who visited Amman last week, said senior Jordanian officials expressed interest in resuming the effort to put together a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation that could negotiate with Israel.
Battles between Israeli tanks and Palestinian sharpshooters were raging around Jerusalem, yet his friend was afraid to visit sleepy Amman?
There were reports from Jordan today that a P.L.O. delegation would visit Amman soon, although no date was given.
Mr. Primakov visited Baghdad and Amman as well as Washington, Paris and Rome this month in a search for ways of ending the crisis caused by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.