A visionary project, "Production Concept for the 80's" was launched with the aim to run the night shifts practically unmanned.
His legacy will live on through the visionary projects he supported at the Hadassah Medical Organization.
"I want to wipe that smile off the face of our age," he writes in a letter that will touch off a visionary project.
So what's different this time from the past visionary projects backed by big names and fed by public yearning ?
Although a visionary project that produced an advanced sports car, huge cost overruns and poor management led to the company's demise.
Their visionary projects could be architecture's answer to "Beyond the Fringe."
As with any innovative and visionary project it encountered teething problems, but a strategy of continual improvements was put in place by the consultants.
We are glad to cooperate in this visionary project.
Like that visionary project, Mr. Holl draws on classical precedent.
This visionary project was not without problems and setbacks.