His encounter with Jesus is conveyed in terms of visionary experiences.
In the interim, Jacob has a second visionary experience (32:22-32).
The trance-state of prophecy is like no other visionary experience.
"I was also part of a generation so interested in visionary experiences," she added.
During the early years, Harris "seems to have repeatedly admitted the internal, subjective nature of his visionary experience."
He had known for some time of visionary experience achieved by taking drugs in certain non-Christian religions.
Now words become means to mediate a visionary experience of love and enlarge understanding.
As much as any film can, this explicitly religious movie offers a visionary experience of the natural world.
Perhaps more importantly, he claimed a visionary experience as a college student; it had a major, long-term influence on the young pianist.
It can also come about, however, as a sudden enlightenment; a visionary experience.