"The Children's Hospital" is an end-times story about a hospital whose visionary architect foresaw the final days coming and built accordingly.
Universal space and the open plan were quite the thing in the 1950's, when these ideas began to move off the drawing boards of visionary architects and into the mainstream.
Frank in this case is Frank Lloyd Wright, the visionary architect who has been a continual source of fascination for other artists.
The second, "Modelroom," simulates the workshop of a visionary architect, sculptor and philosopher.
Hermann Finsterlin (18 August 1887 - 16 September 1973) was a visionary architect, painter, poet, essayist, toymaker and composer.
In recent years, Eisenhofer has been described as a visionary architect who practised 'uncompromised high-style modernism'.
Modern day contemporaries include visionary architects such as:
But Rizzoli was also a visionary architect, the creator, in his spare time, of plans and elevations for imaginary buildings.
He is a visionary architect, urban planner, industrial designer, artist, diplomat.
Frederick Kiesler is invariably called a "visionary architect," meaning that his most ambitious ideas were not practically buildable.