Buy it and watch your IQ visibly rise!
A mild to moderate wind could cause alternate halves of the center span to visibly rise and fall several feet over four- to five-second intervals.
His chest visibly rose and fell, pronouncing the taut line of his body, his rigid, wary stance.
She touched one gloved hand to her left cheek, on which a huge red weal rose visibly, then pulled it away as if burned.
Yes, the tree was growing, and with great vigor, the leaves visibly rising as they watched.
If it waits until inflation visibly rises, it risks having to throw the economy into a tailspin to wring out the inflationary momentum.
"The figures from home aren't good," said Riki, when mountains visibly rose on every hand around them.
In the hush that followed, Tfcarmina's ears rose visibly.
His hackles visibly rise when the extremely aggressive older gent, whose energetic trot manifests a brief burst of speed, sails past him triumphantly.
She was breathing through her mouth, and her chest was rising and falling visibly.