Visibly exhausted by her ordeal, she teetered upon unsteady legs.
Although it is not revealed what transpired between Janey and her 'key partner', she is visibly exhausted and sad.
Both men visibly exhausted, they played even through 10 games, tied at 5-5.
The lights vanished, and the mage sagged forward, visibly exhausted.
He let out a big sigh, visibly exhausted from a third consecutive day spent in court and flying to and from Eagle, Colo.
Isner was visibly exhausted and required medical treatment for neck and shoulder problems throughout the match.
She is visibly exhausted by the emotional strain of the Stanley Centre's potential closure.
However, conditioning for both fighters seemed to be poor as the action throughout the match was sporadic and they were visibly exhausted in the third round.
By the time they reach the podium, the man is visibly exhausted.
Visibly exhausted, Mr. Deutch was forced to ask for a postponement after testifying for 15 minutes.