It is a gum and in water produces a very viscous solution even at low concentrations.
In viscous solutions the viscosity increases to form a gel.
The reduction in absorption rate with guar gum may be due to the increased resistance by viscous solutions to the convective flows created by intestinal contractions.
Soluble plasma fibronectin can also self-assemble into stable insoluble fibers when put under direct mechanical shearing within a viscous solution.
It is a hydrophilic white powder in pure form and dissolves in cold (but not in hot) water, forming a clear viscous solution or gel.
The material used to prepare said thin layer is typically a viscous solution.
But it was only a longish bottle, sloshing with some clear solution more viscous than water.
This evaporator is usually applied to highly viscous solutions, so it is frequently used in the chemical, food, and fermentation industries.
The pump of an evaporator may need to be changed if the evaporator needs to be used to concentrate a highly viscous solution.
These products range from viscous solutions to plastics.