The topography of the impact crater appears very subdued, suggesting that the crater has undergone significant viscous relaxation since its formation.
These high-resolution observations, like Figure 6, reveal that many of Enceladus's craters are heavily deformed through viscous relaxation and fracturing.
Aladdin has a large dome in its interior, suggesting the crater has undergone some viscous relaxation.
This is most likely due to the viscous relaxation of the Tethyan icy crust over geologic time.
A large, dome-like structure occupies the interior of the crater, caused by infill of material from Samarkand Sulci or from viscous relaxation.
This tectonic deformation was formed through viscous relaxation.
Over billions of years the ice had suffered viscous relaxation; it flowed and slumped.
Voyager discovery images of this crater revealed an up-domed floor at Dunyazad, suggesting that the crater had been modified by viscous relaxation.
Some evidence for viscous relaxation can be seen, but it is not nearly as significant as at Dunyazad to its immediate south or at Aladdin elsewhere on the satellite.
A large, dome-like structure occupies the interior of the crater, suggesting the crater has undergone significant viscous relaxation.