The horse could slip on the unsteady path, both mount and Gringg ending up in deep, viscous mud.
A nightmare sense of slow motion, of trying to run through viscous mud, overtook Anna.
Long gouges were ripped from the skin, oozing ichor that was churning dirt into a hideously viscous mud.
The bed of the lagoon is covered by viscous black mud that is high in organic content, except at the east and west ends, where non-organic sediment can be found.
Feeling the viscous mud sucking him down, he was too frightened to move.
A viscous mud of unknown depth lies in many passages, holding water from past floods.
The driveway led to a road that was no more than a rutted track deep in water and viscous mud.
Officers say they have received little cooperation from the town's residents, many of whom are convinced the Americans will pull out when the rains come and turn their desert outpost into a lake of viscous mud.
A slow-rolling wave of viscous mud was just about to fold over his head when, out of that same black sky, rain fell in a colossal torrent, more like a waterfall than a cloudburst.
On analysis of the rock matrix, large amounts of volcanic ash were found, hinting at eruptions during that period, the ash raining onto the marsh, creating viscous mud and becoming subsequent death traps.