The simple act of moving forward in a group, made up of diverse contingents, has a visceral force that energizes not only participants but observers.
Not so in the finale, whose visceral force seemed to reach inside Mr. Ozawa's soul and produce electrifying results.
There were many passages of great visceral force.
But the scale and nakedness of the figures here give the notion a visceral force.
Such pictures don't come along often, but once seen, they are impossible to forget, lodging themselves in the mind with the visceral force of revelation.
Comprehension came on her slowly, with visceral force.
Until arriving in Moonrise, I had never had human mortality shoved in my face with such visceral force, and so often.
Though Rizzoli thought she was prepared to confront this fourth image, the impact of the photograph struck her with visceral force.
In their place was energy - a visceral force of remarkable dimensions marshaled for specific purposes and aimed with fanatic precision.
These moments have visceral force, even if the film gets no closer to a verbal understanding than: "Life has many things like that, things with no explanation."