In this way the virus evades neutralization by b12 without affecting its binding to CD4.
However, some viruses including those that cause AIDS and viral hepatitis evade these immune responses and result in chronic infections.
These persistent viruses evade immune control by sequestration, blockade of antigen presentation, cytokine resistance, evasion of natural killer cell activities, escape from apoptosis, and antigenic shift.
Dr. Montelaro has found that each relapse of the disease occurs when the virus alters its coat and evades detection.
More information is also needed about how the virus evades the immune system in order to identify additional targets against which therapeutic interventions and vaccines can be directed.
Such viruses thereby largely evade the usual immune response-which acts only within the blood system.
A properly designed virus could evade the panphages and infect everyone before any symptoms appeared.
Immunoevasins are proteins expressed by some viruses that enable the virus to evade immune recognition by preventing the appearance of peptide :MHC I complexes on the infected cell.
People already make antibodies to the AIDS virus, but the virus evades the antibodies as it slips from cell to cell.
Racaniello has also begun to study how these viruses evade the host innate immune system, in particular Interferon type I response.