Ballard was a virulent opponent of the WHA; he never forgave the upstart league for nearly decimating the Leafs' roster in the early 1970s.
Even Athanasius, the virulent opponent of Constantius II's Arianism had conceded this to the emperor he regarded as a heretic.
For daring to defend the brothers, Times publisher Harrison Gray Otis (a virulent opponent of labor unions) attacked Scott in the paper's pages for the next several years.
Wang, vice-president since 1988, was a vehement and unrelenting critic of China's intellectuals and a virulent opponent of western ideas.
Few would dispute the basic accuracy of the film: even his most virulent opponents give the president credit for adapting to the unimaginable attack with speed and resolve.
Umar ibn al-Khattab had been a virulent opponent of Muhammad; he had been devoted to the old paganism and ready to assassinate the Prophet.
Nigeria, for example, once among Colonel Qaddafi's most virulent opponents in black Africa, is deeply embroiled in Liberia's civil war.
Throughout its existence, Contimporanul was a virulent opponent of Gândirea; thus, it kept a more reserved attitude toward Expressionism (which was promoted by the latter).
Representative Bowers was an explicitly virulent opponent of equality for Negroes (African-Americans).
Newspaper publisher Older, formerly Ruef's most virulent opponent, became convinced that anti-semitism may have played a role in who was punished and who was not.