He also writes that episodes such as the promotion of Barbu's poetry through virulent criticism define "aberrant, downright schizophrenic forms [of behavior]."
Many Japanese officials, clearly bitter about charges that Japan was "stealing" American technology, contend that France or West Germany would have never faced such virulent criticism.
Rivarol heaped the most virulent criticism on England probably owing to his failed marriage with his English wife, Louise.
When the critic James Wolcott, known for his savage reviews in Vanity Fair, published his first novel, "The Catsitters," he received some virulent criticism.
Duns Scotus (1266-1308) by bold and virulent criticism of the Thomistic system was to a great extent responsible for its decline.
But as in "Ju Dou," this rebellion fails, leading to a death that functions as virulent criticism of tradition for its own sake.
Fans felt they were being toyed with and responded with virulent criticism.
Are these people really deserving of such virulent criticism?
He said: "The most virulent criticism of self-regulation comes from newspapers that lose eye-watering amounts of money [owned by] trusts or Russian oligarchs.
All were subjected in their day to savage, virulent and unjust criticism.