Like "Tribute," this virtuosic piece to music by Vangelis came to a curiously abrupt halt when the dancing stopped while the taped accompaniment kept going.
For almost a century after this, the euphonium solo repertoire consisted of only a dozen or so virtuosic pieces, mostly light in character.
This virtuosic piece has 5 tempo variations.
Dvořák himself realized that he had not created a piece in which the piano does battle with the orchestra, as it is not a virtuosic piece.
The title characters in "Words and Music," the most virtuosic piece in the festival, are humorously addressed as Joe and Bob.
For example, Aria bizarra and Imitatione are very demanding, virtuosic pieces based on Poglietti's adaptation of nightingale calls.
The combination of virtuosic, gipsy-influenced pieces with introspective meditations and songs represents the two aspects of violin-playing that particularly interest Benedetti.
This virtuosic piece has 7 tempo variations.
Marais and his contemporaries further established a uniquely French tradition of virtuosic pieces for viol and continuo.
This virtuosic piece is graceful and effective.