Although he is neither above nor below the law, he is, by virtue of his office, held to a higher standard than any other American.
My appointment here gives me some right, by virtue of my office, to speak for peace, between individual men as between peoples.
All magistrates are deputy state coroners by virtue of their office.
I received a complimentary copy, no doubt by virtue of my office.
And no one meddled, not even Hugh, who might have intervened by virtue of his office.
At common law, coroners would constitute a court by virtue of their office.
Until that petition was granted, the lord provost and the sheriff-principal were accepted as being Torrie trustees by virtue of their office.
They shall respect and protect privileged information to which they have accessed by virtue of their office.
The name derives from the questioner putting the accused on oath ex officio, meaning by virtue of his office or position.
They had given him a place close to the bridal pair, by virtue of his office as the priest who was to marry them.