By way of contrast, traditional kites are virtually unobtainable in venerable Kyoto.
With legitimate closers virtually unobtainable in trades, teams in need of this rare species have to try to create them.
Powder and shot were virtually unobtainable in London.
After a first printing of 35,000 copies, the book became entangled in litigation and has been virtually unobtainable.
Editions of his books from the 15th century are virtually unobtainable.
With only about 1,300 vehicles produced, it is now highly sought after and transmission parts are virtually unobtainable.
It is virtually unobtainable in the United States.
As the War Communism period progressed manufactured consumer goods came to be in such short supply that they were virtually unobtainable.
This soup, which I prefer lukewarm, is a typical home-style dish, virtually unobtainable in restaurants.
Goods such as toothpaste became virtually unobtainable.