In the case of urban settings, this clean-up may take extensive time, rendering the contaminated zone virtually uninhabitable in the interim.
It remained virtually uninhabitable outside the force-field domes that held in the oxygenated air.
But after a shaft was opened and the house became virtually uninhabitable, the elevator contractor disappeared.
The climb up to the higher ground is very steep, making the valley walls virtually uninhabitable.
Their condition was so poor that they were virtually uninhabitable.
A simple piece of historical reflection will show that industrialization rendered many localities virtually uninhabitable as long as two hundred years ago.
The south today is not only ungovernable but virtually uninhabitable.
Royal Sovereign was by now almost or totally unmanageable and virtually uninhabitable.
Radioactive matter created during the explosion can leave a region virtually uninhabitable for some time.
This design carries our age's penchant for sleekness beyond mere imagery, approaching the point of being virtually uninhabitable.