It contained a virtually illegible reference to a substance used in cluster bombs coded as "25," the code for explosives.
There is a virtually illegible remnant of a sign on a building on lower Broadway that once housed the photographer Matthew Brady's studio, where Abraham Lincoln posed.
In the 17th and 18th centuries the writing became increasingly stylised, to the point that it was virtually illegible to any reader unfamiliar with its conventions.
Sharing books, or using material that is virtually illegible because it is faint in colour or soiled, increases problems of deciphering.
So many prescriptions are hastily scrawled and virtually illegible to the pharmacist.
The cafeteria's sign is virtually illegible, so look out for neighbouring Kafe Petrus.
There were a few spurts of inchoate orange fire, and then a blaze of virtually illegible pyrotechnics.
Milik published his official edition in 1962, also with hand-drawn transcriptions, though the accompanying black-and-white photographs were "virtually illegible".
Some display "decorative carvings and Christian motifs" although the bilingual dedicatory inscriptions are virtually illegible.
Lacking an anti-reflective coating, it picked up reflections from around the room, and its black-on-black control icons were virtually illegible.