My organization, Friends of Animals, is at odds with the state agency over its plan to virtually exterminate Connecticut's mute swan population, ostensibly because swans interfere with ducks and geese.
In reprisal, the Brazilian miners virtually exterminated the population of the two lodges, news reports quoted survivors today as saying.
He followed Nero's and then Vespasian's orders with relish and absolute thoroughness, virtually exterminating the Jews, and he himself became caesar for bout three years some time later.
They are considered barbarians by the Zarthani, who virtually exterminated the Eastern Ruthani when they arrived in the area to become the Great Kingdoms.
Knowing the terrain from his prior military service in Britain, he was able to move quickly to defeat and virtually exterminate them.
The French began their colonization with a series of skirmishes that virtually exterminated the island's native Carib population.
This had already virtually exterminated the pure Friesian in significant parts of the province in 1879, which made the inclusion of Bovenlanders necessary.
They invaded the animals' natural habitat, virtually exterminated the rhinoceros and destroyed elephants for their ivory tusks.
The firepower of the Puritans and other colonists virtually exterminated the bulk of the Wampanoags and Narragansetts.
Under them, the warriors virtually exterminated the pitiful little scratch forces of the French noblemen.