Their virtual extinction began in the 1880's, when they were hunted for their feathers, which adorned dresses and hats.
Even some Green leaders agreed that if the party failed to attract substantial voting support in Hesse, it might be headed for virtual extinction.
-will lead to the virtual extinction of parliamentary government.
This included the virtual extinction of the town's large Jewish population.
One of the most debated trends in baseball recently has been the virtual extinction of the complete game.
Failure to make union-favorable labor law reforms will result in the virtual extinction of unions in our economy's private sector.
The virtual extinction of the dragon sister tutor should also help to allay your fears.
The use of tilapia in the commercial food industry has led to the virtual extinction of genetically pure bloodlines.
Nevertheless, his action had the effect of saving the Mongols from virtual extinction, and most of them were grateful to him.
The virtual extinction of all marine life in the Gulf of Alaska.