The two wooded islands are protected wildlife refuges which contain virgin woods.
Our trail-blazers needed four days to cut a path through the virgin woods and arrive within two miles of the village.
No virgin wood was harmed to build this house!
The majority is from two mills in Oregon that produce a blend of 50 percent recycled paper with virgin wood.
If you are making the toys from uncoated virgin wood, why not give the pieces a hand-rubbed oil finish?
Southeast once used a lot of virgin wood to make its paper, which explains why it built here.
The bark had been stripped away by some small animal, revealing the virgin wood beneath, bright and naked, a fresh wound.
In the United States., we consume over 10 tons of new resources each year per citizen, including virgin wood, fuels, and other materials.
The Ziffs apparently also wanted the big boulders that would give their manufactured habitat the look of virgin woods.
That family and their ancestors had cut down the virgin woods that once grew here.