This year's campaign builds upon the success of "Scuba Cat," which launched last year and quickly became a viral sensation.
The video, which was posted online, has become a viral sensation, with over 250,000 views so far.
First published on the social media website, Twitter in early December 2011, within hours of publishing, the images became a viral sensation.
As the latest viral sensation proves, there's money in mischief.
The scene had all the makings of an international viral sensation.
The second wrinkle is that viral sensations move much more rapidly than even the greatest optimist could imagine.
The song has been panned by Time magazine's website, and has become a viral sensation due to its controversial reviews.
The video of the performance turned into a viral sensation, reaching 3 million views on YouTube within two days.
Within just a few weeks, their video became a huge viral sensation, receiving over 7 million views.
Television programs and newspapers then picked up the Web's latest viral sensation.