Angola and surrounding African countries have experienced outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fevers.
Suddenly she remembered reading about a category of disease called "viral hemorrhagic fever."
In any case, the illness certainly sounds like a viral hemorrhagic fever, and until proven otherwise, we'd better consider it as such.
An appearance of African viral hemorrhagic fever in the developed world has been a nightmare we've lived with since the illness first surfaced.
At work, she threw herself into the study of viral hemorrhagic fever, Ebola in particular.
"A pathologist died of viral hemorrhagic fever after doing just that."
At the time, serologic testing was negative for viral hemorrhagic fever.
So how do you treat viral hemorragic fever?
The spring season, during which the weather changes, is believed to cause viral fever and cold.
The story about deaths in Nigeria led him to suspect a viral hemorrhagic fever, meaning a disease that can cause severe bleeding.