'How was the original viral attack made?'
Does a viral attack on the mother normally accompany Cyclops Syndrome?
They said it was believed to be caused by a strain of streptococcus-A bacteria that may have undergone genetic mutation through viral attack.
As Ebola sweeps through you, you immune system fails, and you seem to lose your ability to respond to viral attack.
SSPE usually develops 2 to 10 years after the original viral attack.
Bacteria "have a way of becoming more genetically diverse than they would be without viral attack," she said.
It is based around a series of violent viral attacks on cruise ships by extremists who want to make half the worlds population sterile.
Some doctors have said this is because the air is dryer, making mucus membranes of the nose and throat more susceptible to viral attack.
"That would risk exposing us to a viral attack like the one that got the Nelcharis assimilated," she said.
Plus, there is no defense against subsequent viral attacks, requiring defensive measures to be reinstituted every time.