The boy chose piano over the violin, the one alternative offered, because he disliked having the violin sound so close to his ear.
The violin sound is therefore most likely described through and compared with the ideal of Italian belcanto.
He goes on to say that she "found a special violin sound for it.
After the first rehearsal this season, we still couldn't hear one another, and the violin sound seemed even more strident.
I tried to tell him you cannot make a German violin sound like one built in Italy, but he believed otherwise.
He has said that the technique was developed whilst looking for a violin sound.
Miss Levanthal's violin sound is full of dour energy and sometimes turns to downright harshness.
The violin sound is slender but true.
In the end, what makes a great violin sound so beautiful may be largely a matter of who is playing it.
Turning down the treble helps to control fizziness in the violin sound.