The first section includes a "motto theme" transitioning into a "hectic" violin melody.
Their music has echoes of sea shanties, surf riffs, and sombre violin melodies, along with an iron edge of steam punk.
Tchaikovsky wrote the piece as a memorial to Ferdinand Laub, a violinist; thus the soaring violin melody in the extended, ruminative preface.
Then movements grew increasingly agile to sinuous violin melodies.
The violin melody is halting and primarily diatonic, played over an energetic piano accompaniment.
It starts off with a simple violin melody related to traditional Russian folk music.
LEAD: If violin melodies could be lip-synched, Blumita Singer might have had it made.
Ms. Gillis moves fluently from one character study to another to Gershwin's sweet violin melodies.
In the quintet Curtis Macomber's long, arched violin melodies traversed the thick fields of activity underneath them.
The calm center of Britten's five-movement arch form features long strands of violin melody with sparse single-voice accompaniments.