The most recent of these settlements was violently destroyed, most probably by an earthquake, and was not reconstructed.
If they did not, a plexiglass shield was raised in front of the players and the possession in play was destroyed in front of them violently.
The town was destroyed violently c. 300 BCE, leaving the remains of the people and their quotidain tools in the streets.
Much later, several companies were suddenly and violently destroyed when bombs, apparently installed in personal computers, went off in inner-city offices.
The city was violently destroyed in the mid-11th century BCE, with the conflagration firing the mud bricks red and depositing a huge layer of ash and debris.
In 900 BC the city was violently destroyed, but Olmec culture lingered for several centuries at Tres Zapotes.
The Urban B city, like its forerunner, was destroyed violently by fire.
His recording equipment were seized and violently destroyed.
Like many contemporary Late Minoan 1B sites, it was violently destroyed, ca 1550-1450 BC.
The final blow came when it was violently destroyed in an Afghan attack led by Bakhtiyar Khilji in 1193.