Down upon us swept one of the abrupt, violent squalls that are met with in those latitudes.
There were grey days of continual violent squalls when it was impossible to work on the dictionary.
As usual, the crew were nearly all drunk; and, before sail could be properly taken in, a violent squall laid the brig on her beam-ends.
These fruitless meditations were interrupted by a sharp and violent squall of rain.
The attempt was unsuccessful, due to heavy following seas and violent squalls.
A violent squall had broken then over the sea; rain began sheeting in torrents.
On 8 August, 1813, a sudden and violent squall sank both ships within minutes of each other.
Lookouts at the mastheads could report no land, and the day passed in drizzling calms and violent squalls.
But before any of them reach the ocean, a violent squall strikes the bay and the Sleuth is forced to turn back to port, nearly capsizing.
Riker was thrown from one side of the chair to the other as he struggled to ride out the violent squall.