The Count was a violent splash of color in his most formal military uniform, Imperial parade red-and-blues.
Long shrieks became trailing wails that ended in a splash more violent than the thwack of the coupe.
Something struck the nearby water with a violent splash, and he assumed it was a missile aimed at him, but it had no influence on his flight.
I'd use it to make a violent splash here and there, but I've not much need for it now.
With a sudden, violent splash, something exploded from the water, so fast that their eyes could hardly follow what happened next.
Please, please pull me-" There was a violent splash, then nothing more.
I made violent splashes to attract his attention; he circled until a rescue launch picked me up, some 30 to 45 minutes later.
A whale breaks the surface of the sea, spouting and slapping his tail on the surface with a violent, white-watered splash.
There's a violent splash against the pavement as I vomit up the milky-brown remainder of this morning's Raisin Bran.
A young man in a black dinner jacket suddenly dove into the pool right in front of him, blinding him with a violent splash of water.