Some critics believed the video supported violent sex.
Rape and violent sex are also higher in the teen population in our country.
The song's lyrics, which feature dark humor, are a sarcastic take on issues such as disease and violent sex.
The boy, clearly a virgin, engages in somewhat violent, brutal sex several times with Louisa.
She demands quick, violent sex from Beano, which causes him to almost miss their set.
And naturally, nobody demonstrated the sex holo-sims, either: rough, violent, or simply impersonal.
If some hopped-up loser, desperate for drug money or violent sex, broke into your house, you could be killed five times over in thirty-two minutes.
I thought we were going to come in here and have violent sex that would exorcize our demons just long enough to let us sleep.
Dirty violent sex is only rape with consent.
This is the violent sex you spoke of earlier.