She does not believe it stems from concern for pious feelings but rather fear of violent reprisal.
In the past, such attacks have provoked violent reprisals against leftist groups and the arrest of their organizers.
However, farmers took to violent reprisals on government structures, and as a result, many officials were killed.
The day after, the 22 of august, the village is subject to violent reprisals.
Soon after, violent reprisals were carried out against the town's Muslim community.
But, his office said, it has been difficult to find people willing to talk because they are afraid of violent reprisal.
Felix did not doubt that there would be serious and violent reprisals if he betrayed the man's confidence.
The resulting disputes, although addressed by the courts, often lead to violent reprisals.
This was followed by violent reprisals by the police.
Any violent reprisal will simply lead to more attacks on our domestic security - on ordinary Americans as they work and travel.