Rounding the corner of a narrow, twisting valley at great speed, we ran into what may be the most violent rainstorm I have ever witnessed.
After a sudden violent rainstorm started, some emotional scenes developed between family members.
On 4 June 1808 Schwarz set out on his mission but was delayed for one day by a violent rainstorm.
The legend of Miguel Angel began with a violent rainstorm in 1973, seven years after his death.
"It mystifies me why she'd depart in the middle of the night, in a violent rainstorm," Qwilleran said.
There'd been a violent rainstorm the previous day, Thursday, and the earth was sodden.
The collision was caused by poor visibility, the result of a violent rainstorm.
It certainly seemed more comfortable and decent than stumbling into the woods in a violent rainstorm to hunt for some fresh way to be killed.
In 1997, during a violent rainstorm, the roof collapsed causing massive damage just an hour after the last movie of the night let out.
As they get closer to his neighborhood, an unknown force hits the ambulance in the form of a violent rainstorm.