The optical breakdown is a very "violent" phenomenon and changes drastically the structure of the surrounding medium.
Gamma rays are an invisible, high-energy form of light created by some of the most violent cosmic phenomena.
PONALE It is often bound to sudden, violent stormy phenomena.
In the next chapter I shall discuss the effects of present-day violent phenomena such as hurricanes.
"There's been an increase in violent natural phenomena over the past few decades," Gamay said.
At least a month of tests are scheduled before the observatory is expected to be ready to survey the heavens for radiation emitted by some of the universe's most violent phenomena.
After nine years in orbit, its instruments are still producing floods of data about the most violent phenomena in the distant universe, and probably could keep going for years.
In the last analysis the need for such ideas will be dictated by observations of violent phenomena in the Universe.
In interviews, astronomers described the results as the "smoking gun" they had long suspected must be there connecting the two most violent phenomena in nature.
Land reforms to distribute land and wealth usurped by Palegars have met limited success, which resulted in another violent phenomenon known as Naxalism.