There is nothing in the museum about the violent ultra-patriot militias or about apocalyptic Christian extremists, or other indigenous hate sects.
After the vote, the people of East Timor were terrorized by violent militias that drove them from their homes.
In West Timor, they continue to collude with violent local militias that terrorize refugees from East Timor and prey on international relief workers.
All returning refugees will get a small bundle of necessities for restarting life in a homeland largely devastated by the violent militias and departing Indonesian troops.
Ben and Jerry caused controversy with a new flavor called Black & Tan, also the nickname of a violent British militia that operated during Ireland's war of independence.
All around newly independent East Timor, this is what former members of the violent anti-independence militias are saying.
A gold merchant in Bunia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where many mines are under the control of violent militias, rebels and other armed groups.
The most violent militia is the Mahdi Army, led by Mr. Sadr.
They can scarcely comprehend why our Government does not act more effectively to reduce illegal gun trafficking, to prevent violent militias from stockpiling weapons, to enforce strict licensing of guns.
The ministry had ties to violent militias and death squads.