Smith operates the Free Radical web site to provide information on violent media and strategies to combat it.
The potential for a link between violent media and aggressive behavior has been a controversial one, especially when that media comes in the form of violent video games.
Next, we'll look at how violent media might affect you in the short and long term.
The attention and question become whether they were watching violent media.
And though we attempted to contact the authors of many psychological texts involving violent media, Gentile was the only one to respond by press time.
One is fascination with violent media.
Some reviews have found strong correlations between aggression and the viewing of violent media (Anderson, 2007) while others find little evidence to support their case (Sherry, 2007).
BY producing increasingly violent media, the entertainment industry has for decades engaged in a lucrative dance with the devil.
However, other studies have suggested that using violent media may decrease hostility under periods of stress.
The problem, he said, is the "lethal mix" of guns, violence, other social ills and a society drenched in violent media.