To be sure, very little public scrutiny - much less protest - of violent interrogation is depicted.
Sharitmadari has been accused of playing a key role in the violent interrogations in Iranian prisons, where torture is used.
These included beatings, biological experiments in diet restrictions, violent interrogations and extremely unsanitary conditions.
The North Korean police immediately took her to a security office for a violent interrogation, she said.
Himself arrested shortly afterward, Negoiţescu was made subject to a humiliating and violent interrogation, at the end of which he again contemplated suicide.
They also depend on American trainers' unambiguous rejection of torture and other forms of violent interrogation.
During his time in prison Bishop Mykolay endured frequent violent interrogations.
Tony kills Joe in a violent interrogation because Joe tries to fulfill his role as an officer of the law.
In the days that followed, there were reports of hundreds of arrests and violent interrogations.
Ms. Tsemel dismisses the argument that violent interrogation is only used in cases of a "ticking bomb."