Instead, they found people surviving in such violent environment without advanced technology required to survive.
Popp grew up in a violent environment, and at six years old her father died, leaving the family more impoverished than before.
And the stress levels in police departments, because of the violent environment in which they work, is very high.
I find myself moved by man in his new violent environment.
Some suggestions came from poor areas, where people expressed to world leaders their wish to be able to receive a good education and leave violent environments.
He grows up in a violent environment and often watches his father beating his mother.
It is also a way of adapting these young children to their violent environment.
I was brought up in a violent environment, although I've never touched on it in my lyrics.
Many came from violent or oppressive environments, often of their own making.
Moreover, young people growing up in a violent environment are committing more violent crimes.