One night there was a sudden and violent downpour of rain that drummed on the sails.
On 29 May 2008 Castle Cary (and a large part of Somerset) were hit by a rapid flash flood after a violent downpour shortly after midday.
Many are just pop-up clouds, but others can become violent downpours.
And this week, sudden violent downpours caused piteous scenes of suffering in south India, as well.
On September 21, refugees were affected by an exceptionally violent downpour, further worsening their condition.
And this week, sudden, violent downpours deluged southern India, as well.
This phenomenon is associated with extremely violent downpours and storms, with speeds of 100-200 km (60-120 mi)/hour, but not always accompanied by significant rainfall.
It is constantly attacked by cyclones, coastal surges, flooding rivers and violent downpours.
As summer draws to a close, a violent downpour interrupts a beach-side beauty pageant in a provincial town on the Adriatic coast.
During a short, violent tropical downpour, the long broad ponchos of oilcloth, with which Gordon had equipped us, proved quite useful.