Above all, he is remembered for his violent demise, which occurred on the day when he was overthrown.
Or was it just as Marcella Otis had said, that maybe Bobby didn't want to think about his first foster mother's violent demise?
Towner's death was the second unexplained and violent demise on the Princeton campus within a month's time.
The hero's struggle to parent his children while at the same time engineering the violent demise of the antagonists provides much of the novel's tension.
Even the controlled press has recounted the violent demise of Romania's kindred autocracy.
My violent demise, when it comes, will doubtless be attributable to my own overweening pride.
They were silent, contemplating the van driver's violent demise.
And then be had come, just when she was resigned to her violent demise.
Oh, I know all about your young glinn's violent demise, and you have my heartfelt sympathies.
Perhaps he was conscious of the report of Elijah's violent demise.