As a matter of fact, the more the sexes are in violent contrast the less likely they are to be in violent collision.
In violent and extraordinary contrast with this scene of destruction, close at hand were the huge newspaper establishments of Park Row.
That is a pretty, pretty, pretty violent contrast.
Unfortunately, the rhetorical language was in violent contrast with the simple nature of the contents, so that the chief value of this literature is historical.
In that 2001 article he proposed the following explanation of the "violent contrast" between the British and the American lexical accent (cp.
Her fur was orange rather than red, but something about that shade - its violent contrast to the lazy green around it - made Rosie shiver again.
In another violent contrast, a London lodging house was the stage on which the worst crisis of his life was to play itself out.
The only way you develop more than a casual interest in peace as we conceive of it is through the recurrent and violent contrast of war.
The circumstances were too grotesque, the contrast too violent, for subdued mirth.
The work's lighting has been described as "Caravaggesque", after the Italian artist closely associated with tenebrism-the use of violent contrast between light and dark.