If not, it risks a violent collapse.
No single event in the postwar period would present such high and uncontrollable risks of nuclear war as the violent collapse of the Soviet Union.
In those days, his merciless imagination had plagued him with vivid nightmares of the violent collapse of civilization.
He says that he lost faith in the idea of reform, and saw violent collapse as the only way to bring down the techno-industrial system.
The violent collapse of bubbles (Cavitation) near solid surfaces and the resulting impinging jet constitute the mechanism used in ultrasonic cleaning.
A neutron star is the by-product of a supernova-the violent, final collapse of a massive star at the end of its life.
"No; if there's a general, violent collapse of the Federation, it'll spread to Poictesme," Shanlee told him.
After the case was over, and I was returning home in the train, I had a sudden and violent physical collapse.
The violent collapse of such bubbles produces effects other than light.
But it does show how violent the collapse of the bubble is, producing extremely high pressure and momentary temperatures in the range of 8,500 degrees Fahrenheit.