The floor manager was talking in violent agitation to someone over a flat-plate communicator.
A violent agitation erupted in the Darjeeling hills from 1986 to 1988 in which 1200 people lost their lives.
The sea appeared unruffled as a mirror, although, by means of the spy-glass, I could perceive it to be in a state of violent agitation.
We can easily imagine the violent agitation which had seized upon the spectators f this scene.
All of a sudden, about ten in the morning, Thaouka betrayed symptoms of violent agitation.
The incident greatly embittered feeling in the colony, and Walker became the centre of a violent agitation.
The storm, then, seemed entirely appeased, and to the violent agitations of the morning succeeded a gentle calm.
Today a violent agitation of the water occurred very close to the canoe.
Leaves trembled in violent agitation, branches cracked and broke.
It came a third time, unmistakable now: a violent, frantic agitation against leaves or plants, an attempt at extrication.