Morocco has so far avoided persistent unrest but several people died in February during violence linked to protests.
WE were playing to perpetrators of violence, violence linked to mental disorder.
The attack brings the death toll this month in violence linked to Islamic militants to more than 80, including 20 guerrillas.
The rebellion was the last outbreak of violence linked with the July Revolution.
Among men aged 15 to 44, three times as many blacks die as whites, generally because of violence linked to alcohol or other drugs.
Despite efforts by social reformers to regulate taverns in Ontario, Canada, physical violence linked to drinking was common.
But that confidence has recently been shaken by an upsurge in violence linked to drug-smuggling and Islamist terrorists.
The climate of violence linked to this situation has now led to the assassination of at least 38 campesino leaders.
Experience in the capital and Manchester has shown, the level of violence linked to crack, make it very different from other drug trafficking.
In June 2005, the government deployed federal forces to three states to contain surging violence linked to organized crime.