Crime, drugs and violence, he said, are destroying the nation.
The prolonged violence has disrupted families, destroyed trust and has often created a passion for vengeance.
This film makes a strong statement that violence destroys society," he said, "and this whole issue takes us back to our enabling legislation.
Arthur died instantly after the violence of the impact destroyed nearly every bone in his body.
The violence by the Tamil rebels will only destroy their country.
The violence left 15 people dead and destroyed scores of businesses on Miami's mostly black northwest side.
Militant-related violence has resulted in 180 deaths and destroyed the country's once booming tourism industry.
Related to that is the notion that violence destroys your soul.
They succeeded; the early violence killed a number of liberation leaders, sharpened political divisions among blacks and destroyed entire black neighborhoods.
Terrorism and violence from both sides destroyed the opportunity we had over those days.