Other violations may stem from the Saturday accident, he added, with similar fines.
It was irrelevant to F'lar's thinking that the second violation stemmed from the first.
He later pled guilty to marijuana possession and a moving violation stemming from the traffic stop.
Mr. North is charged with 12 criminal violations stemming from his efforts to aid the Nicarguan rebels.
The violations stemmed from a relationship the member, Susan J. Scarpati-Reilly, had with a town employee.
In the spring of 1983, Virginia Tech was placed on probation by the NCAA for violations stemming from illegal benefits given to players and potential recruits.
Mr. North, a former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, is accused of 12 criminal violations stemming from his efforts to assist the Nicaraguan rebels known as contras.
The committees also acknowledged a violation stemming from the way they repaid Mr. Hood for the use of the plane, 46 months later, Mr. Moxley said.
The Mayor said last week that the campaign would return the money, but he maintained that the violations stemmed from a misinterpretation of an obscure part of campaign finance law.
The violations stemmed from the same rule that ensnared the Giuliani campaign: Donations from affiliated companies should be governed by a single $7,700 limit, not separate limits for each company.