Pregerson said, "I believe that punishing a person for exercising his or her constitutional rights clearly violates due process."
The US government overreaches into people's privacy, and takes a lot of actions that violate due process.
"This decision was well within the city's police powers and in no way violated due process."
Nevertheless, his case is important because it helped established that a conviction based upon false evidence violates due process.
The procedures used in civilian trials violate due process as well.
The Court, split 5-4, held that the state had violated due process by suspending the students without a hearing.
In its final report, the committee concluded that Crowe's dismissal violated due process, natural justice and academic freedom.
He said the court was not passing judgment on whether the Connecticut law violated due process in other respects.
Thus Oregon's law did not violate due process.
He wrote that the police had violated due process by seizing the bicycles without notice.