That car was the original Monte, a 1970 model done up in white paint, a black vinyl roof and a navy-blue interior.
A new option for all models a sunroof (which also mandated the selection of a vinyl roof).
It will have metal siding, steel supports and a vinyl roof.
Q. I have a screened room on the side of the house that has a vinyl roof.
Typically offered in unison with a vinyl roof, they were a very common design feature of American automobiles during the 1970s.
He said the car's vinyl roof was similar to the one used in the robbery.
"Are you saying you were following this car because it had a vinyl roof?"
Ronald stopped beside his car, and regarded Nancy over the top of the white vinyl roof with an expression that had altered yet again.
Padded vinyl roofs were options on almost every model.
All coupes came with a vinyl roof as standard.