He was wearing nothing but shiny black vinyl pants, tight enough to be skin, and boots.
This exercise in the social extension of his imagination has produced an African-American hooker in pink vinyl hot pants.
Eddie Izzard is not your ordinary topic-surfing comic in black vinyl pants and blue hard-candy nail polish.
Finally, Morrison arrives, resplendent in 'black vinyl pants', but nothing changes.
This 51-year-old looked trim in his skintight black vinyl pants, still able to kick so high that his shinbone smacked his forehead.
By the end of the set, he had shimmied his black vinyl pants well below his hips.
There was much cleaving, and much panting;andeven to drug-addled me, Ray Don's vinyl pants didn't leave enough to the imagination.
She appeared shortly after at the top of the staircase wearing a hot pink vinyl tube top and white vinyl pants with pink knee patches.
He wore black vinyl pants, like a slick second skin, and a matching vest, no shirt.
The dusky round tips of her nipples showed large through the flimsy material and on her hips hugged pink vinyl hot pants.